Thursday, 21 March 2019

The digestive system

We are learning about the digestive system.

The digestive system starts in the mouth.The mouth helps breaks down the food we eat and turns it to smaller pieces .Then it travels to the esophagus. All the esophagus does is helps us swallow the food we eat and makes it easier for us to swallow by having strong muscles that push the food down.

The 3rd stage is the stomach. The stomach has the food we eat in the acid juices but then the food burns down into even smaller pieces  and sent to the small intestine.

The 4th station is the small intestine.It absorbs the food from the stomach then  gets pulled into the large intestine.The large intestine comes 5th and pulls the water and the salt from the food.

Finally the last part of the digestive system is the rectum. The rectum helps us go to the toilet and let's the waste go.
Image result for digestive system cartoon

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