Tuesday 23 November 2021

Toitoi challenge - Tuesday

 This is the a story call The virtual world. I have have finished this challenge and if you want to check it out go to Toitoi 18, Page 96. 

Monday 22 November 2021

Totoi challenge - Monday


 I have finished one my Toitoi challenges, This is a poem about a tornado. If you want to check it out make sure to check out Toitoi 22, page 54, 

Thursday 18 November 2021

Should we have school uniform

Should we have school uniforms? 

There are many reasons why we should and should not have uniforms. Firstly school uniforms are used to represent your school, and for people to know what school you attend . Others can misunderstand you  when you are not wearing a uniform. School uniforms can also be dangerous if you have social media such as tiktok , snap chat EXT. Our answer is yes because when wearing uniform it will feel like we are an actual school

Our answer is yes because by wearing the same uniform students would feel more included and comfortable around the school. Wearing a uniform will help improve students' self esteem and be more confident. As a school we should look more professional by wearing school uniforms. Uniforms are one of the reasons we can call school a school. 

 The question of whether we should have school uniforms is really something to think about but It is clear that school uniforms make the school feel like more of a school and are more comfortable for the students. Of course uniforms can sometimes be expensive, then people can't afford them, but school uniforms are really important. 

School uniforms have many advantages and disadvantages. Besides, uniforms help people be more confident and pleasant in themselves. For example, if there is a meeting and you are required to connect with students from different schools wearing school uniforms wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. Furthermore, students who are wearing uniforms also feel satisfied with their school. 

Wearing school uniforms helps the student feel more positive about themselves and they participate in more activities voluntarily with high efforts to demonstrate that their school is good. Uniforms are not only to help students be unique from other people, to be more beautiful, but also to make them feel equal to other students. Furthermore, they can be proud of their current school if they are recognized by a lot of people. Uniforms can keep students safe because people know where they belong, especially on school trips,  plus parents won’t have to spend a lot of money on designer clothes. The reason uniforms should remain is because it brings a lot of advantages to students. School uniforms promote a sense of belonging. To conclude this argument, as long as you keep your uniform tidy and safe everything will be okay. 

By Melepalu and Bailey

Term 4 week 5 - Thursday Maths