Friday, 31 May 2019

Ghost Castle

I heard a scream in the distance and ran towards the sound only to discover a old castle surrounded with fog.

I tiptoed all the way to what I think is a abandoned castle from a long time ago. When I was about to knock, the door opened by itself. I didn’t feel like going in but I wanted to see if I could find a ghost. 

As I went in I heard little girls laughing.It started to get creepy around the castle.It started to get dark and the sun was slowly going down.I searched the whole palace but I had not found a single ghost caught.

While I was making my way outside the door closed on me and I heard voices telling me that I couldn't leave. It got very creepy. After, I tried to find my way out but everything was closed and sealed.

I got a chair smashed it against the door and ran all the way to the other side of the bridge.After all the fog covered up the big castle.It disappeared like it was never there.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

My Tips For Being Safe

My weekend

Last Saturday we had a fun week.At first it was my brothers birthday Soane and for the first time my mum was going to let me go to my big brothers game Sifa, Teaki, and Lani. So when I woke up I heard people saying happy birthday to someone down stairs.I took a little peak to see who was saying happy birthday to. 

When I took a little peak I, remembered that it was Soane's birthday. I quickly ran upstairs to go back to sleep because I found out who was saying happy birthday.

While I was sleeping my mum told me to wake up and change for the game.She told me I had to go and shower and when I come out the cloths will be down stairs. After my warm shower I took a little of my time to just dry up. I got straight into my cloths and waited until my mum was going to pick me up.

Finally my mum picked me up.I went to the game and it was fun.It was sad to see  my brothers loose but it was still fun.  

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Keeping Ourselves Safe

In class we have been learning about Keeping Ourselves Safe. Here are 3 types of abuse that I have learnt about in class.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Being safe on the internet

In class we have been learning about how to be safe on the internet. This is what I have learnt.

Friday, 24 May 2019

The creature in the forest

I carefully looked from behind the tree and saw a tall creature standing in the shallow water.It was moving and looking at his hands.I wondered if he was a robot being controlled from the inside of it. I stared at it until  he was gone.As I stared I slowly fell on the the ground and took a quick nap.

I woke up and realized that the monster was gone.I was very angry and disappointed because I let go away.After I searched the whole forest just to find the monster. I took a quick stop and ate my pb and j sandwiches I made at home. Pb and J is one of my favourite kind.

I finished all my lunch and continued my journey walking with my big sword so when I find it, I could slay and see what is inside of it. I waited until it came back. When I was about to take a step, a big branch snapped. I ran to it and slayed it as fast as I could.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Keeping ourselves safe

In class, we have been learning about being safe in school at home and other places you might need to be safe.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Confident Me

We have been learning about how to be confident and our feelings. I hope you enjoy my slide presentation.

Friday, 17 May 2019


Redhead woke up to the sun streaming on her face. Redhead is an angry bird. She has a phone that she always goes on and she always stays in her room most of the time. Whenever someone gets on her nerves, she blows up like a blowfish and screams and when she calms down she deflates back to her normal size.

So when she was sleeping the bright sun was shining on her face. She said ‘’Ahh’’ and ran over to the curtains to close them. Her mum Mrs Red went up in her room to check why she was yelling. When Mrs Red went into Redheads room, Redhead got angry and blew up just like a blowfish.

She straight away to get out like this “GET OUT!!”. When it was time for dinner, Mr Red said to Redhead to come down and eat her dinner or else it’s gonna get cold. Redhead was hungry but she didn't really care because she had her own food like chips, soda and milk. Then her mum came up stairs to check on her. She had a talk with her saying why she was being like this she talked to her until it was time to go sleep.

They were talking about not getting angry and be positive. When it was morning, Redhead came down stairs for the first time and she was being positive just like her mum told her to do.

Redhead felt much better getting all her anger out and letting the happy in.  

Friday, 3 May 2019


In class, we have been learning about ANZAC day and why it is important. I have created a slideshow about a few things I find interesting.