Tuesday 18 August 2020

How to brush your teeth

 How to brush your teeth

What you need:




Step(1)Go to the bathroom and grab your toothbrush

Step(2)Then Wash your toothbrush with water

Step(3)Next Get your tooth paste and squirt some on the toothbrush

Step(4)After you scrub up and down and side and scrub down on your tongue

Step(5)Lastly rinse your mouth with water and spit out the water

Questions to answer:

What are some different ways you can keep yourself clean?

Wash your face

Wash your hands after you go bathroom

How often should you wash your hands?

As much as you can to keep yourself clean

Why do you brush your teeth?

To get all those food unstuck in between your teeth

Why do you think keeping yourself clean is important?

To keep all the germs off your body and keeping you nice and clean

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melepalu! Well done for completing your writing task. Maybe next time you can change the colour of the question and answer so it is easy to tell the different between the two. And add some pictures to make it stand out!

    Miss Smith.


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