Friday 28 August 2020

What I have been doing


Honey makers questions

 Where do bees live?

In a Hive

What does Jacks dad collect from the bees?

Honey from the frames

What do the bees make on the frames?

Honey comb

What do bees get from flowers to help make honey?


Where do bees put their nectar?

A basket in their leg

What does Jack's dad wear to make sure he is not stung?

A special veil

What does he pump into the hive?


What does Jack love to do?

Eat honey

Lockdown flowchart


Wednesday 19 August 2020

My garden


Stung! - Questions

What time of year was Janet going for a walk?
March 2014

What did Janet ride on to the farm?
A quad bike

What happened to Janet's foot?
It sank into the wasps nest

What started to surround her after her foot went to the hole?

What did each sting feel like?
A burning a needle jabbing deep into her skin

What happened when Janet tried to run?
The wasp followed her

How many times has Janet been stung?

Who did Janet call for help?
The ambulance

What did paramedics cover Janet with when they arrived?
Wet cold towels

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Bounce back questions

In your own words describe what the story is about?

It's about bouncing back from the problems you're having and to get up even though it is hard to. But you have to keep on trying no matter what

Write down some feeling words about how you think the girl felt when her friend said she was leaving?

Emotional, sad, UN happy, gloomy

List some things you can do to help yourself/someone else ‘bounce back’ or feel better?

Make someone day by playing with them, Help them with some work, Make them laugh

Write about one thing that has happened to you, when you have had to ‘bounce back’

Having to deal with fatness but i don't care what my body looks like but i will still work out



How to brush your teeth

 How to brush your teeth

What you need:




Step(1)Go to the bathroom and grab your toothbrush

Step(2)Then Wash your toothbrush with water

Step(3)Next Get your tooth paste and squirt some on the toothbrush

Step(4)After you scrub up and down and side and scrub down on your tongue

Step(5)Lastly rinse your mouth with water and spit out the water

Questions to answer:

What are some different ways you can keep yourself clean?

Wash your face

Wash your hands after you go bathroom

How often should you wash your hands?

As much as you can to keep yourself clean

Why do you brush your teeth?

To get all those food unstuck in between your teeth

Why do you think keeping yourself clean is important?

To keep all the germs off your body and keeping you nice and clean

Monday 17 August 2020

How to set up your garden


From soil to garden questions

 1. How many hours do plants need sun a day?

  6 hours or more

2. Why do gardeners test their soil?

So they can find out how many nutrients are in the soil and see if they are enough for the plant

3. What do gardeners use to loosen up the soil?

A hoe or pitchfork

4. What type of things do gardeners plant?

Vegetables such as carrots lettuce and trees like apple trees and pear tree

5. Why does a fence around gardens?

It helps keep out the animals who are likely to steal food from a garden like a rabbit

6. How do plants soak up the water?

The roots of the plant which is on the bottom of the whole plant

7. Name of ways you can water a plant?

With a watering can or sprinklers

8. Why are weeds bad?

They take up all the nutrients 

Procedural writing - how to plant a seed

 How to plant a seed


What you need:






   Step(1). Get your seed and place it on the grass

   Step(2). Then grab your shovel and dig a hole in the grass

       Step(3). After get your seed and put it in the hole

      Step(4).Next get your soil and cover up the seed with it

    Step(5).Lastly fill your watering can with water then pour it on the soil